Friday, May 11, 2012

Up In the Air

Time to fly to Houston for a fun filled weekend to celebrate my nephew's first birthday and Mother's Day! Let's face it...while I love going to Houston to see my family and friends, I hate dealing with travel.  Rushing out of work to make it to the airport on time, waiting for the never ending line at airport security, sitting around bored the airport because they make you get to the airport absurdly early, and praying that either no one or a super skinny person sits next to you so that you might have a little bit of room for the next 3 hours are not always the most fun or enjoyable parts of travel.

However, not all parts of going to the airport and flying are bad.  Here are some ways to entertain yourself in those long lines and other "perks" to a day of travel.

1. Optimum people watching:
Airports are a prime location for people watching.  The people that I see and conversations that I overhear at the airport always amaze me.  The things people say when they think no one is listening is fascinating!  Unfortunately, there was not the best people watching (or listening) yesterday.  I think that the Houston airport is far superior to the Chicago airport in this respect.

Cowboy hat...Check. Button down...Check. Wranglers...Check. Houston Gate...Check!

2. Comfy clothes:
Who doesn’t love an excuse to wear comfy clothes?  Any excuse to put on my leggings and a sweater or my most comfortable maxi dress is good for me! I have never understood the women who walk around the airport in skinny jeans, tight tops, and heels.  Who are you trying to impress?  You’re not going to see anyone! And if you have someone special picking you up, just go into the bathroom post-flight and put on some make-up and fix your hair.  There is no need to get dressed like you are meeting a date or going for a girls night out.
Another travel clothes “victim” is the girl who’s pants are clearly going to make it an uncomfortable next couple hours.  It’s like the woman’s version of the plumber butt.

3. In flight drink of choice (no...not alcohol):
I have a bad habit of not drinking enough throughout the day.  Unless I’m at the gym or eating dinner, I don’t really drink.  However, as soon as I get to the airport, I crave apple juice.  I’ve tried buying apple juice and drinking it other times, but it’s just not the same.  Once I’m on the plane, I have to have my apple juice.

4. Time to read all those magazines:
I like to think of airports as the haven for magazines.  I can’t walk past the airport Newsstand without buying at least one magazine, usually three (a fashion one, a gossip one, and a fitness one).  Airports allow for the perfect time to catch up on all the trash you have been missing out on. How else would you know who in Hollywood was dating who.

This guy clearly knows how to kick back at the airport.

5. Catch up on your book:
I love reading!  Like I have said before, I try to read every night before I go to bed.  For those who have a good book and enjoy reading, traveling is prime reading time.  You are basically given a couple hours where you can do just about nothing but read.  Right now, I am reading The Sisters by Nancy Jensen (click the title to read a complete summary). 

It is an engaging book that starts off with the story of two sisters whose relationship was broken after a chain of events and misunderstandings.  The book then spans over three generations of women in the family, each chapter being told from another woman or girl’s perspective.  I am only one-third into the book and already captivated by the characters lives.
(Sadly, while I thought I charged my Kindle, I in fact did not and it died 30 minutes into the flight.)

Also…I want to give a shout out to my friends Katie and Hailey who are running their first half marathon tomorrow! Good luck! Y’all are going to do awesome!

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